Big Family Electric

Electrical Panel Installation & Upgrade in Baton Rouge, LA

Located in a dusty corner of your garage is one of the most important parts of your home: the electrical panel. Your home’s electrical panel is responsible for directing electricity to every corner of your home so you can reliably use appliances and devices like your refrigerator, TV, and computer. 

If your electrical panel isn’t up to the task of meeting your power demands, your power won’t be as reliable, and you risk damage to your home and electrical system. Before long, you’ll be stuck searching for “electrical panel upgrade near me,” seeking dependable electrical services in Baton Rouge, LA. 

Rest assured, BIG Family Electric is here to help you with your electrical panel upgrade and make your system safe and reliable.

What Is an Electrical Panel?

Your electrical panel is a device typically located in your garage, basement, or service closet that directs power to different circuits throughout your home. You might be familiar with it as the box with all of the switches you check when the power goes out in your living room. 

Older homes may have fuse boxes, which the modern electrical panel has replaced. If your home needs a fuse box upgrade or a fuse box replacement, BIG Family Electric can help.

Providing Expert Electrical Repair in Baton Rouge, LA & Surrounding Areas

The Importance of Your Electrical Panel

Your electrical panel determines two important things: where your power can go and how much power you can safely use. Modern electrical panels have significantly greater capacities than older panels and fuse boxes, making them safer to use while providing consistent power. 

When You Should Replace Your Electrical Panel

When you’re considering an electrical panel upgrade, you need to consider the age of your home, the age of your panel, how much power you’re currently using, and how much power you might use in the future. 

If your home is 25 years or older, there’s a good chance your panel is older than it ought to be. Technology moves at an incredibly fast pace, which means you have the opportunity to take a huge leap forward with a new electrical panel. If your current electrical panel is damaged, sparking, or has experienced water damage, replacing it would be a wise decision. 

Faulty Wiring

Faulty wiring is a leading cause of house fires in the United States, and your electrical panel might be a contributing issue. If your electrical panel feels warm around the sides, there may be a wiring issue that needs addressing.

Adding New Appliances

Your electrical panel has a maximum capacity that you shouldn’t exceed. If your panel is older, or you’re planning on adding more appliances than it can handle, you can potentially cause it to overload. An overloaded panel can result in unstable power and potential electrical fires. 

Adding Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers are the modern version of the fuse box. While they function similarly, circuit breakers are much more reliable and much safer for the home. Circuit breakers automatically cut power when the current running through a circuit becomes too strong. 

You can easily reset them by flipping a switch. Fuse boxes, on the other hand, use fuses that melt when the current becomes too strong. This technology presented certain fire hazards that defeated the point of using a fuse box.

Relying on Power Strips

If you find that you’re regularly using power strips to plug in more devices or appliances using a single outlet, a stronger electrical panel may be a wise choice. While power strips are useful for plugging in multiple devices in a small area, your panel capacity needs to be considered. 

If every outlet in your home has more devices or appliances plugged in using power strips, there’s a good chance you’re overloading your panel. 

Upgrade Your Electrical Panel Today!

One of the best things you can do for your home is to invest in a new electrical panel. A new electrical panel will offer you greater freedom and versatility when adding appliances to your home while protecting against circuit overload. 

For the best electrical services in Baton Rouge, call BIG Family Electric. Our team of expert electricians serves Baton Rouge, LA, and the surrounding areas with a dedication to safety and customer service. Call or contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Providing Expert Electrical Repair in Baton Rouge, LA & Surrounding Areas