Big Family Electric

Electrical Services in East Feliciana Parish, LA

To make your home safe and happy, reliable and efficient electricity is important. Here at our service center, we want to ensure that your home is at its best condition. We have specialists around the clock, seven days a week, 365 days a year to ensure that you never have to spend a second without power. We are a devoted and certified competitive team that includes anything from support of structured cabling, maintenance, testing and reconstruction.

Electrical Outlet Installation

Homeowners rely on all of the outlets and switches in their home to be in proper working order. But these powerful items can be potentially dangerous. These are the reasons why we urge you to have an electrical safety check on your house or office performed by our team of expert electricians.

With time, the connections to plugs and switches can become loose with wear, becoming potentially hazardous. If a switch or plug feels warm to the touch, it indicates there is a problem. When your plugs and switches are discolored, this is a sure sign that trouble is brewing and that it is best to call our licensed team of electricians right away.

Providing Expert Electrical Services in East Feliciana Parish, LA & Surrounding Areas

Electrical Panel Installation

Obsolete electrical arrangements are the norm in excessive amount of aged households. Check your panel. If they’re still using fuses then you need to stop reading and start scheduling for a panel upgrade estimate now. Perchance your panel exceeds 25 years of age, book a panel update approximation at once.

Your modern way of life has more demands for power from an electrical grid than ever before. Today’s large screen TVs, powerful appliances and fast computers mean a greater need for power than older systems can deliver safely. The truth is, an electrical panel isn’t typically upgraded until there is an issue.

Indicators that you need an upgraded panel:

  • Need higher Amp incoming Service
  • The recent addition of a sub-panel
  • New construction or new appliances
  • Existing non-grounded outlets and wiring
  • Use of multiple extension cords
  • Tripping breakers or blown fuses
  • Circuit surge
  • Lights or bulbs flickering
  • Crackling or buzzing sounds from the electrical panel
  • Scorching or discoloration of electrical panel
  • Addition of a hot tub or a sauna
  • Additional 220v circuit
  • Use of high-load electrical equipment
  • Required accommodation for a home generator

The first thing we do is send over a team of licensed experts to check on the status of your electrical panel. He will assess your electricity usage and ascertain if you require a new panel. Once he’s done that, he’ll outline your options for upgrade. Just like any of our other services, we won’t get started with the work until we have your approval.

Lighting Repair Services

How safe is your home from damage caused by power surges and lightning strikes? The truth is, standard home insurance policies don’t cover power surges or lightning strikes. Statistics from the National Fire Protection Association show that the average claim amount in 2013 was $5,869, more than double what it was a decade earlier. That is reason enough to consider our team of experts for power and lightning surge protection.

Contact Our Team

Make a booking for a check of your power system by our squad of qualified electricians. Our electricians will provide you with a list of all the options available that will help you make the most out of your electrical system, as well as provide proper protection from electrical surges. It takes only a few clicks and a few keystrokes to schedule an inspection. But it takes even less time for a surge to cause expensive damages and the decision is yours.

Providing Expert Electrical Services in East Feliciana Parish, LA & Surrounding Areas