Big Family Electric

Electrical Services in Lakeland, LA

Electric supply that is reliable and problem free is one of the essentials for a happy and safe home. Here at our service center, our goal is to make sure that your home will be at its best state. In order to ensure that you never experience power outage, our professionals are always at hand every minute of the day all through the week. Being a group of passionate and qualified specialists, we seek to entirely supply all services ranging from electrical setup, change, check and fixing services.

Electrical Outlet Installation

You can find outlets and switches in almost every section of your house. What people don’t know is that these outlets and switches can be a potential hazard. This is why one of our first recommendations is to allow our expert teams to perform an electrical safety check in your office or home.

It’s inevitable that over time connections to plugs and switches will become loose, which can present a potential danger. If you feel that a switch or a plug is hot or warm, then you already have an issue on your hands. A difference in color is another clear signal pinpointing to growing problems which notifies you it’s time for approaching our trusted and licensed electricians.

Providing Expert Electrical Services in Lakeland, LA & Surrounding Areas

Electrical Panel Installation

Many older homes have electrical systems that are outdated and don’t meet current safety standards. Check your panel. If they’re still using fuses then you need to stop reading and start scheduling for a panel upgrade estimate now. Perhaps your panel has outlived 25 years. Then book a panel upgrade estimate at the moment.

Modern technology and gadgets draw more power from the electrical grid than they ever did. Our big screen televisions, powerful appliances, and fast computers all demand more power than can be safely delivered through older systems. The truth is, an electrical panel isn’t typically upgraded until there is an issue.

Indicators that you need an upgraded panel:

  • Need higher Amp incoming Service
  • Required accommodation for a home generator
  • Use of high-load electrical equipment
  • New construction or new appliances
  • Existing non-grounded outlets and wiring
  • Tripping breakers or blown fuses
  • Lights or bulbs flickering
  • Circuit surge
  • Crackling or buzzing sounds from the electrical panel
  • Scorching or discoloration of electrical panel
  • Use of multiple extension cords
  • Addition of a hot tub or a sauna
  • Additional 220v circuit
  • The recent addition of a sub-panel


The process is done by allowing the board to be assessed by our group of qualified technicians. He’ll take the time to consider the amount of power you use and determine if it’s time to replace your panel. Once he’s done that, he’ll outline your options for upgrade. Just like any of our other services, we won’t get started with the work until we have your approval.

Lighting Repair Services

How safe is your home from damage caused by power surges and lightning strikes? The truth is, standard home insurance policies don’t cover power surges or lightning strikes. Damage from power surges averaged $5,869 from 2004-2013 and this is a rise to 122% according to The National Fire Protection Association. It makes good financial sense to have our team of professionals come out to your home and install protection against power and lightning surges.

Contact Our Team

It would be a smart move to have your home’s electrical system inspected by our team of licensed electricians. They definitely will ready a full and understandable suggestion of possibilities to aid you in maximizing your home’s electrical system to cater for appropriate surge defense. To plan this substantial appraisal, you need no time at all. But it takes even less time for a surge to cause expensive damages and the decision is yours.

Providing Expert Electrical Services in Lakeland, LA & Surrounding Areas